Gabe is starting to come down with the "crud" (it is what I call the congestion that always goes right into his chest and will most likely turn into Bronchitis in another week), but insisted that he still wanted to attend his friend Owen's birthday party at Ridemakerz in Hagerstown (it is similar to "Build-a-Bear" but this is geared for boys). Owen's parents had the party set-up that each boy could build their car up to $30 each and then anything above that we were responsible for (Gabe had already planned on spending his $$ to upgrade his car into remote control) what I could not believe was that the car cost $72 when it was all said and done...what an expensive toy and can you imagine the bill Owen's parents had to pay for 13 kids?!
We were right next door to Chipotle so Gabe and I invited Mike, Linda and Chris Morse to join us for lunch (they were at the party too, and we know them from cub scouts) and we chatted for a few minutes before heading home.
I finished and e-filed our taxes for 2008, we should have the refund by the end of the week!
I left Gabe on the couch while I headed out tot he farm for a few minutes to meet up with Tony and get Sophia ready to head out to Baltimore to the Disney on Ice show. Tony has connections thru the Baltimore FM and was able to get us discounted tickets for the show and VIP parking right outside of the box office, so that worked out great for us. We met up with Jon and his family to sit together for the show. I honestly can't believe Sophia made it thru the whole thing has she had been up since 5:00 am and Tony said she hardly slept at all in the truck! We stopped real quick at the Chick-Fil-A in Catonsville before heading home for the night.

On Sunday, Tony got up at 1:00 to help my brother with the morning milking and then came back to bed and we let him sleep until almost 9:00 (the kids were making too much noise running around). We headed down to the farm to check on a few items and then headed out to town to run some errands and pick-up a quick lunch before Gabe had his soccer game and photos taken. I took my camera along and started asking the photographer questions and he took my camera and showed me a few more of the settings and helped me take some ok indoor sports shots (he says a need a different lens which is like $2000, so I guess "ok" sports shots is what we will get as unless I am seriously going to take a class or something we will not be spending that kind of money on a lens)...although I have found a few online courses that I may look into taking...(in my free time, LOL)

The photographer showed me a different way to hold the camera, but my lens is still way too SLOW to keep it from being blurred...

This is Sophia with her friend Natalie.
Tony finished the bathroom project and nothing is leaking under the sink anymore so I think that project is officially completed! Since it was such a nice day/evening we took a walk before dinner and met up with my brother and some other guys at the shop and ended up playing some football with the kids. Mom and Dad are still not back from their trip to Florida(they have been gone since Saturday the 31st)...maybe tomorrow...?