Monday, February 09, 2009


Our BIG news, Tony has been busy writing our business plan for our new business venture and we are moving forward to hopefully have a LIVE website by early March and be making actual deliveries by early to mid May. The name of the business is South Mountain Veggies (, or We have polled our current customer base of over 4000 customers and got an overwhelming response of over 1500 positive emails that have also been sent out to people that are not currently customer but are also very interested in the service. Tony has 22 local farms on board to supply us with the fruits and vegetables, we will be building a building/warehouse hopefully in our front yard that will not only house the walk-in refrigerators and packaging rooms but will also be large enough to park the delivery vehicles inside. We are looking at purchasing 2-3 refrigerated sprinter vans to start. The website itself should be able to handle the customers' orders (as the same tech group that built the creamery's site will be building the veggie site) so we are thinking our only labor will be hand packing the orders, we will hire drivers to handle the actually delivery runs.

More to come as we know more...!!