Sunday, January 25, 2009

An unwelcome Homecoming...

When we go away on vacation and leave the creamery to my family to run, there always seems to be LOTS of extra DRAMA, and then time proved to be no different, infact things got way out of hand, and caused our homecoming to be less than desirable.

Apparently, while we were gone, they fired 2 employees, a driver because he did not come into work because he was in jail for drug posession, and the other employee was our customer service person who was distributing nude and vulgar pictures of herself while at work and then she also claims to have be sexually abused by Tony and supposedly she has emails and text messages to prove her case. So when we got home my family decided to have an "intervention" of sorts and basically sat us down at the kitchen table and accused Tony of all this wrongdoing, and therefore basically severing any bit of relasionship that may have been left, as I know he did nothing wrong and I can't believe that my family had these awful thoughts about the man I love so dearly! Even a week later when it continues to prove that the accusations were false we have yet to receive any type of apology. As a result of these turn of events, my family now wants to take over control of the creamery and thus make us "employees" instead of owners, because we obviously have let things get out of control by getting too close to our employees. In light of all of these changes Tony and I are now looking at opening a business on our own, as it is evident the creamery will not be ours in the near future and we are no longer willing to work for "peanuts" for a company that does not realize our worth and the sacrifices we have made with no recognition or praise.