Another interesting occurrence was the fact that during lunch on Thursday a sheriff showed up at the creamery questioning Tony about where we get our eggs from, as our empty cartons were found all over downtown Frederick next to streets of cars that had been "egged" and he was wondering if we had any idea who would do this? We had no idea and gave the sheriff info on all of our drivers and any "disgruntled" employees that may have been involved but because it happened in Frederick in the middle of the night it was quickly ruled out that no one currently working at the creamery was involved. The next day in the newspaper there was an article written about the "egging incidents" we were not mentioned but apparently it was not just Frederick that was hit; as Braddock Heights and some of the higher end neighborhoods in Middletown had seen similar incidents happen too!
The 3rd incident that hopefully will complete this "run of bad luck" was a cow was eating out in the barn and somehow got her nose caught in the feeder and it literally took off her nose and her jaw, it was very gruesome and my brother had to shoot her as she wasn't going to live...