Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy Weekend...

This was our first Saturday back from the trip...Tony was back at the market and gone all day :( I utilized the time working thru emails at the creamery, catching up on laundry and cleaning out the woodstove and hauling wood. Gabe was invited to a birthday party at Adventure Park USA in New Market so we headed out there in the middle of the day for a few hours of fun! I was surprised Gabe wanted to play on the "high wires" but he did rather well, and Sophia has gotten hooked on playing racing games and she is really good at them, she played the wave runner game and came in 3rd both times, since she is too short to steer and press the gas, she sits on my lap and drives while I use the gas and brake for her.

On Sunday we decided we were going to attempt to re-do the bathroom, and started the project at around 10:30 in the morning, of course things did not go as smoothly as planned, as when we were first demolishing the original cabinent we found yet ANOTHER dead rat under there...GROSS! Then the next problem was the placement of the waterlines in the old cabinent were on the outside edges and the outside edges of the new cabinents were rows of drawers so that wasn't going to work (we had to move the water lines)...then the only plug in the entire bathroom is over the sink which was now going to be covered up by the new countertop, so Tony had to move the plug...


I will an after photo...once it is complete (hopefully soon!) We have been using the kids' bathroom to brush our teeth and any other task that requires water!