We went outside for a bit and realized how beautiful the day was and got the idea we should go hiking, and then decided we would hike from our house to Grandmas house (which is 3 miles away via the roads). I was hoping she would hike with us, but she said she couldn't do a hike like that anymore and gave me a few clues as to what to look for as we were hiking, we were doing really well at first, we found the loggers trail after climbing almost straight up the mountain, and we made it to the electric lines that look over the valley, we felt very proud of ourselves, we were only about an hour or so into our hike and seemed to be more than half way there...then something went wrong...after we got thru the power lines we lost the trail and so we new what direction we were to be heading in, but the ground was pretty rough, and we were getting higher and higher, we finally decided that because we could not determine where we were in the mountain anymore we might go too far, so we tried to find a place to get down, then we get a phone call from my mom saying a freezer went out at the creamery and we needed to come home...long story short, we ended up coming back out of the woods at the base of the power lines...we somehow had doubled back when we were making our way down the mountain, we were all so disappointed that we only made it about halfway! Come to find out, we were actually following the Appalachian Trail, the loggers trail we were to follow was down much lower on the mountain...either way it was fun while it lasted!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Sunday Hiking Trip...
With Sunday being our only day off per week it leaves us most times scrambling to do errands and nothing really all that much fun, but on the few Sundays we do have nothing planned it leaves us feeling if we don't have plans that we wasted an entire day laying around the house...the later was how we felt this week. We had originally planned on going to the Inner Harbour with the kids but neither of us felt like driving there, so that was out, we called Tony's brother to see if they were up for a visit and Michelle and Elizabeth were sick, so that was out. I had a quart size bag of change that needed to be rolled so that we could take it to the bank so that became our "project"...after it was all said and done we had a $124.50 in CHANGE!!!

We went outside for a bit and realized how beautiful the day was and got the idea we should go hiking, and then decided we would hike from our house to Grandmas house (which is 3 miles away via the roads). I was hoping she would hike with us, but she said she couldn't do a hike like that anymore and gave me a few clues as to what to look for as we were hiking, we were doing really well at first, we found the loggers trail after climbing almost straight up the mountain, and we made it to the electric lines that look over the valley, we felt very proud of ourselves, we were only about an hour or so into our hike and seemed to be more than half way there...then something went wrong...after we got thru the power lines we lost the trail and so we new what direction we were to be heading in, but the ground was pretty rough, and we were getting higher and higher, we finally decided that because we could not determine where we were in the mountain anymore we might go too far, so we tried to find a place to get down, then we get a phone call from my mom saying a freezer went out at the creamery and we needed to come home...long story short, we ended up coming back out of the woods at the base of the power lines...we somehow had doubled back when we were making our way down the mountain, we were all so disappointed that we only made it about halfway! Come to find out, we were actually following the Appalachian Trail, the loggers trail we were to follow was down much lower on the mountain...either way it was fun while it lasted!

We went outside for a bit and realized how beautiful the day was and got the idea we should go hiking, and then decided we would hike from our house to Grandmas house (which is 3 miles away via the roads). I was hoping she would hike with us, but she said she couldn't do a hike like that anymore and gave me a few clues as to what to look for as we were hiking, we were doing really well at first, we found the loggers trail after climbing almost straight up the mountain, and we made it to the electric lines that look over the valley, we felt very proud of ourselves, we were only about an hour or so into our hike and seemed to be more than half way there...then something went wrong...after we got thru the power lines we lost the trail and so we new what direction we were to be heading in, but the ground was pretty rough, and we were getting higher and higher, we finally decided that because we could not determine where we were in the mountain anymore we might go too far, so we tried to find a place to get down, then we get a phone call from my mom saying a freezer went out at the creamery and we needed to come home...long story short, we ended up coming back out of the woods at the base of the power lines...we somehow had doubled back when we were making our way down the mountain, we were all so disappointed that we only made it about halfway! Come to find out, we were actually following the Appalachian Trail, the loggers trail we were to follow was down much lower on the mountain...either way it was fun while it lasted!