We really accomplished alot today...Tony had to get up at his normal time to separate milk so we then got an early start on splitting wood...we had 2 loads cut, split and loaded/unloaded by 11:00 am (the kids were actually really good help!) We came home to change and shower and then headed out to lunch at Red Lobster and then to Home Depot and the grocery store. We then came home and Tony crashed on the couch and the kids and I planted some herb seeds and played on straw mountain. Once Tony got up from his nap we headed out to take photos of the farm for the creamery's website...it was so nice out that I did not want to go home so we rode over to the Marker Road farm and then up to Andrew and Trisha's house before coming home for the night. (the house is about a mile off the road literally straight up the mountain!!)

Ever since we visited Andrew and Trisha's house...Sophia has insisted that she wants to spend the night...the only problem is that Trisha works as a L & D nurse at Shady Grove and has weird hours...so I don't know when she may get to spend the night..