This picture is of my grandfather and his 4 sisters (back row: Ruth Rebecaa, Gladys, front row: Fred, Ruth Ellen, and Eleanor). Both the kids had a really fun time playing water games, breaking a pinata, and doing a cake walk.
We woke up and had nothing really planned for the day, we knew it was the "official last day of summer" as school starts tomorrow for Gabriel. I had rearranged Gabe's room yesturday and of course Sophia wanted her room re-done as well. So we started working on her room and realized just how much clutter our child can hide under her bed and inside of other stuff, and when we told her it had to "find a home" or would be thrown away, we realized all the small pieces of toys and games really had "no home" and we can't just throw all this perfectly good toys and games away, we HAD to find some storage solutions that was functional and looked nice. Buying more of those ugly plastic storage bins was out of the question. I had done some research online and found some ideas but I did not want to spend hundreds of dollars on furniture I could not see or touch first, so to get us out of the "disaster" we call our home we headed to Frederick in search of a storage solution, we searched 3 stores in Frederick and had to return home for a family picnic in Middletown. I was in a pretty disgusted mood knowing that we had to come back home with no new solutions for all the clutter...while at the picnic Tony decides that he wants to drive to IKEA in Baltimore...
It had been years since we had been to IKEA and the place is simply AMAZING. They had childcare for the kids so we were able to leisurely shop the store. We found 2 pieces that we think will suit our needs, so we gathered up the kids and loaded the car to head home. Now hopefully we will find the time to get them put together and organized!
What started out as a pretty mundane day, ended nicely!