Today was spent solely doing all things soccer related...the day started bright and early with us meeting with the coaches and other team players to lay-out and paint the fields. I had no idea what to expect and actually it was quite fun and educational. I ended up helping to either measure the lines or helping with the painting, there we plenty of other kids around so Gabe and Sophia were entertained and I got to socialize and learn about how the teams were picked and about all the different coaches.
That was finishing up right around lunchtime so the kids and I went to Subway for lunch and then home to re-arrange Gabe's room. Since we have moved here over 3 years ago we have never done anything with his to make more room I took the door off of his closet and we moved every piece of furniture to a new is like he has a totally NEW room. We also did some purging in time for the neighborhood yard sale...
From that we left to attend his soccer meet and greet party at the coaches house, and this part of the day was the part I was most nervous about, but much to my surprise everyone was so friendly and kind, the kids are not all from Middletown, there are kids from Myersville, Boonsboro and even Frederick (not sure why you would drive from Boonsboro or Frederick to play in Middletown...but nonetheless).
The kids played some mock soccer games and the coaches got to take a good look at what skills each player brought to the field, us parents sat around chatting and learning about one another, I had a really GOOD time. (and I think the kids did as well, as the car was full of soccer chatter the whole way home)!