Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Out of the mouths of 3 year olds...

Sammy today at lunch announced that he no longer had "dia-rhea-rhea-a" (apparently he shared it with his brother as he now has it).

This morning while on the way to Grandmas Sophia was singing the bible song "Zachias." I was about 5 minutes away (after dropping her off) and my cell phone rings, it is Sophia and she is all upset because Grandma doesn't know the words to the "Wee Little Man" song...

Zachias was a wee little man,
a we little man was he,
he climber up in a sycamore tree,
for the Lord he wanted to see.
As the Savior passed that way, he looked up in the tree,
For I am going to your house today
For I am going to your house today.