For the past 3 weeks on and off Sophia has been bringing to our attention that her heart is beating really fast...(times when she is resting and should not have an elevated heart rate), honestly I brushed it off and moved on...well yesterday while at Nana's resting on the couch watching TV, she suddenly comes running out to the kitchen where mom and I were talking grasping her chest and crying saying it hurt really bad and again her heart was beating really fast (considering she was simply watching tv). She had gymnastics and so I asked her if she still felt like going and she wanted to go, and as we got ready to head to the class I heard no more about it, she attended the class and everything again seemed fine...Gabe had a Cub Scout meeting in Myersville so we planned on meeting up with Gabe and Tony at the McDonald's for dinner and then were all going to attend the meeting together. As we were finishing up our dinner Sophia again started to complain about pain not only in her chest but now also in her stomach and she was again crying, so I took her home and the boys headed to the meeting. I decided to call the doctor on the way home to see if they thought she should be seen, they said they did not have the proper equipment to see a child for a chest pain and said she needed to go to urgent care. So my mom takes me back to Myersville to meet up with Tony so the two of us head to Frederick with Sophia and mom takes Gabe home with her once the meeting is over. We arrived at urgent care and they turn us away saying chest pain is something that needs seen at the ER (granted by this point Sophia is acting totally normal the only pain she is now complaining about is her stomach), so we head over to FMH to be seen there. We arrived around 8:00 pm and actually were thru triage and in a room by 8:30...they did an initial EKG which came back with some abnormalities, and a chest X-ray (now granted they are now telling us that obviously they will treat to the best of their ability Sophia's condition BUT that they are not a "Children's Hospital" and therefore depending on how things progressed may send us somewhere else...
The ER doctor has now called a pediatric cardiologist at Hopkins to consult over the phone...they decided they want a 2nd EKG and Sophia is no longer thinking any of this is fun, they had to reapply the stickers to get the 2nd reading and now she is stressed so who knows what the reading will show...they fax both EKG to Hopkins and come back for Cardio Blood work which Sophia completely FLIPPED OUT over it took 3 of us to hold her down while the nurse took her blood (4 vials of it) and then got an IV line started.
Now it was a long time before the Dr FINALLY came back to our room to discuss with us how to proceed next...basically they found nothing urgently wrong but again they reiterated how they do not have the facilities for children and that we should go see a specialist in the morning just to be sure...we got home and picked up Gabe from my parents at around midnight.
She is acting normal today except her only compliant is where they had the IV line in her hand it is still sore. She is telling everyone that she is no longer allowed to have caffeine as that is what makes her heart race. In fact as she was reading her cereal box this morning it was taking about so many "calories per serving" and she thought since the word started with a "C" that it was caffeine and that she wasn't allowed to eat the cereal...
Gabe was talking to my mom last night and told her that he doesn't understand how anything could be wrong with Sophia's heart because she doesn't smoke and she doesn't drink (they are learning all about heart disease in school).
I was able to get an appoint with a specialist from John''s Hopkins we have an appointment with him this afternoon...