Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School Night...

Tonight was the night we got to see Gabe's classroom and meet his teacher. Mom wanted to come along with us because she wanted to see the school again and run into her friends she had not seen in a while. (this was certainly the place to do that!) I actually ran into 3 girls I went to school with AND graduated with who have kids either in 2nd grade with Gabe or going to pre-school with Sophia! Very exciting!

Gabe's 2nd grade teacher is Mrs. Perrell and his class is where my 2nd grade class was with Mrs. Kopp (oh so many years amazing!) His teacher seems very organized and eager to teach, she had a very nice presentation for the parents to explain her plans for the upcoming year. Gabe is with 11 of his classmates he has been with since pre-school, I think this type of classroom organization is important for friendship building and also cohesiveness of learning. I remember being with the same group of kids all thru my elementary school careeer and because of that we stayed friends thru HS and even beyond.

Mom and I signed up to volunteer around the school, so that should be a fun change of pace for the both of us!