At the creamery; Tony was overseeing another MAJOR project as he had to coordinate and install a new chiller and ice builder for the creamery. This entailed finding the correct equipment making sure it was going to be able to handle the volume our creamery will need to do in order to service our ever growing business and then hire a crane operator to remove the old equipment and install the new. ..
The kids were excited about the Summer Reading Program at the library that we HAD to go and get signed-up on the very first day and I bought them both t-shirts...(I still can't believe they both dressed themselves in the very SAME outfit one morning for school!) Gabe actually read 4 books on his own this summer so he will be eligible for a reading award the first week of school. I know my mom would wish they would read more, but I just can't seem to keep Gabe interested in it, maybe once he really learns how to read better he will take more interest...? Mom and Dad Brusco came into town to visit in the middle of the month, which meant lots of familytime together and drinking loads of wine! Gabe and Sophia so enjoy spending time with their "grandparents from California" and always miss them after they return home. Even they they come to visit us they always in insist on "treating" us for dinner.
Just as we were hoping to get away for our summer vacation we decided to LAUNCH our newly built and designed website to take over the entire ordering and billing process. We did not expect to have SOO many problems and at first did not think we were going to be able to leave the office staff. We did afterall get to leave for the Poconos a few days late but did take a break nonetheless. The office staff was great handling everything while we were gone...
We visited Bushkill Falls to do some hiking, we played LOTS of putt putt golf and just did NOTHING...not our typical vacation, but it was nice to get away from the stresses of the creamery if only for a few days... The one day we ventured to the "Great Wolf Lodge" and played in the waterpark and took part in the scavenger hunt they have around the lodge...we spent an entire day there and it was well worth the extra money spent! (the kids are still talking about it!)
The month ended with Jereamiah "Blue" turning 2, and our Sophia turning 4.