I was supposed to be starting the Vienna Farmers Market this past Saturday,, but Sophia came down with a fever late Thursday night and I did not want Grandma to be around her so I was able to get Kate to cover for me this week. I took Gabe to Grandma's to visit while I mowed the yard, weeded the flowerbeds and cleaned the house for most of the day. Sophia still had a fever so she spent the day on the couch. Saturday afternoon I took Gabe to a birthday party at the bowling alley in Frederick. This is like the 3rd party where Gabe goes to a party and he is the only classmate invited...all I can say is he must be friends with everyone.
Sunday, Tony and I made a batch of butter for a wholesale account, put driver coolers together and then came home mid-day to watch a movie and snooze on the couch. We got a phone call around 2:30 from mom and dad saying teh pigs were out and they needed help putting them back in (they had been up since 4:00 am going to the new Sunday FM in Baltimore). We then loaded up Vinnie in the truck and headed over to Jon and Michelle's for dinner. It was a perfect evening, the kids played together, the dogs played together and we got to sit around and talk and share a bottle of wine. Hopefully the next time we see them, the new baby will be here!