The day started with both kids giving me homemade cards...Gabe's even had $.15 in it! Sophia insisted on wearing her "birthday dress" because it was my birthday and you have to dress up to go to a party, Gabe quickly entered the conversation and said that once you get old like Mommy you don't have birthday parties...THANKS GABRIEL!!
Once at the creamery my Dad was getting ready to head out on a milk delivery route ( a driver called in) so I got a folding chair and went along...we got some fun one-on-one time together as we made deliveries!
I got back to the office around 11:00 and found notes on my desk from the drivers and office staff wishing me "Happy Birthday" and then soon after that cousin Jim came in with roses from his garden for my desk. Jon and Michelle stopped by the creamery to get more product shots for the website so I got to chat with Michelle for a few minutes and see the baby...then it was off to my birthday lunch at Mom's. She made my favorite Slippery Beef Pot Pie and we had Oatmeal cake with Toasted Coconut Icing for dessert...yummy!
Around 1:30 Tony said he had a surprise for me and that we would have to go in separate cars to Frederick...he got my van completely detailed (something I have been asking for since before Christmas of last year)...I was soo excited!

So we dropped it off and headed back home and on the way Aunt Marcia calls me to stop by the Braddock Heights Post Office (she is the Postmaster) as she has something for me. I got to choose from 3 Longaberger Baskets..and I choose this one...

It will fit perfectly between the 2 captains chairs in me van to hold mail, or other items that I would have otherwised placed on the other seat.
As I was heading to pick-up Sophia around 4:00 I decided to get the mail and found this card waiting for me...what my girlfriend wrote inside was perfect, how did I get to be soo lucky...surrounded by soo many people that truely love and care for me??

The day ended with all of us heading back into town to get my "brand new" van, and it does look NEW, all the stains on the carpet and seats are gone, the melted gummy bears in the back glove compartment were all scrapped out and my car smells NEW! Then Tony took all of us to Outback Steakhouse before we headed home and off to bed.
Thank you to everyone who helped make my one day a year so VERY SPECIAL!! I love all of you! XOXO