Since I did not grow up doing Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts for that matter, all of these activities are new to me. (the uniforms, all the memorization, award recognition, derby races...etc)
So this past Sunday we spent the entire afternoon at the Myersville Firehall where all the dens in the area got together to race the cars they had built. It was soo neat to see how different all the cars were when all the boys started out with the same block of wood. In Gabe's class he came in 7th place out of 8 (which Tony and I were quite happy with because he didn't come in last and because he didn't make the top three we don't have to go to the regional race which would be on another weekend).
This is a picture of Gabe's Tiger den...
This is Gabe with his friend Aaron who is a Bear Cub...